Friday, November 19, 2010

Travel Tips

I know many of you will be traveling over the holidays so I thought I would share some of my favorite traveling ideas.

10 Traveling Tips!
(we have done a lot of traveling in the car but most of these would be great on an airplane. Keep in mind my kids are 2 and 3, if you have a baby just pray they sleep.)

1. Red box- portable DVD players are a must when traveling long distances with kids, Red box allows you to watch new movies without purchasing them and then you can drop them off at any Red box you see along the way.

2. Crayola Color Wonders
Use a 40% off coupon at Michaels and they cost about 5.00. Totally worth the money.

 3. Button Candies. Great because they aren't messy and it takes kids a long time to eat them. 
 Try them and thank me later.
(You can get them at Johann's, you'll see them as you check out or I think sometimes Dahls.)

(sorry about photo)

3. Wear comfortable Gym Shoes!
Silly as it sounds, it's nice to be able to get out of the car during stops and run around with your kids.

4. Candy Necklaces
Any candy that isn't messy and takes awhile to eat is awesome!

5. Glow Sticks
I know you are all hoping that once it gets dark that the kids will quietly fall asleep. Well this may or may not happen so be prepared. Glow sticks are a great option for when it gets dark.
 (you can buy them at the dollar store.)

6. Check out The Idea Room for some great Traveling games.
My boys loved these, worth the 3.00.
(you will find games in The Idea Room Store)

7. Stickers! Who doesn't love stickers!

8. Tire Name Game- Write every ones name in white chalk on one of the car tires. When you stop to fill up with gas whomever name is on the bottom gets a prize or a dollar or a quarter.

9. Prize box. Take a box filled with little prizes from the dollar store. Every hour let kids pick out a prize from the prize box.

10. Have Fun! Traveling with kids is stressful but it can also be fun.
Expect the worst and you'll be pleasantly surprised!

What is your favorite traveling tip? Please tell.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


I was going through the WDM newspaper and found an add for 1$ off admission to a new bouncy place called Monkey Joe's. I kept reading and found out it just opened right across the street from Valley West Mall. Mitch and I decided to take advantage of his day off and take Hallie. It was a blast!!! The place is so nice and new, and wasn't even crowded (you can tell by my pics. There is only one person in any of my pics). I guess most people still don't know about it. It cost 5$ for kids 2 and under on the weekdays and parents are always free. For more info and pricing click here. The nice thing about this place vs. the other bouncy place nearby is that parents are allowed to go on the toys with their children and help them (I got to slide down several times ;). They also have a lounge area with nice recliners and a flat screen TV. Here are some pics I took while we were there.

The above and below picture are their 3 and under toy area.

The "parent's" area with free wi-fi, flat screen TV and a bunch of recliner chairs.

Their refreshment bar.

They have a huge pirate ship that you can kind of see. If anyone ends up going, give me a call we would love to go with some friends next time.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Thanksgiving Week


November 24 - 28, 2010
Polk County Convention Complex
501 Grand Avenue, Downtown Des Moines

I have never been before but will probably go this year. Here is the info!

Wednesday: 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Thursday, Thanksgiving Day: 1 to 7 p.m.
Friday: 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Saturday: 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Sunday: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Tickets Purchased at Event: $5
Children 2 and younger: FREE

Here are a few pics that were online of years in the past....

Looks like Santa will even be there.
For more information on the festival of trees click here.
*Thanksgiving Dinner at DMU*
Thurs November 25th 12:30-2:30
It is actually really really good! And you get everything you would at a normal Thanksgiving Dinner! Best thing about it is that it is free to students and their families!! We went our second year here and plan on going this year!

*Black Friday*
Friday November 26th

For those that want to brave the crowds and save a few bucks. They have great sales and deals all around here. I have heard the mall is particularly crazy and fun.

Shop early and enjoy exclusive deals, live music, prizes, giveaways and free hot chocolate and coffee.

Jordan Creek Town Center opens at 12:01am on Friday, November 26.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Because I love you all so very much...

here are some fairly exciting deals.

*If you don't know about this one, you must not own a computer. (or look at any blogs.) But I thought I would post it in case either of the previous statements are true.
Go HERE to get $55 off an 8 x 10 canvas print. That makes it FREE! (You do pay s&h - don't you always?)

*While we're on the subject of pictures, Snapfish gives you 20 free prints with your first upload.

*Ever heard of Artscow? No amazing deals right now, but keep your eye on this site if you're thinking personalized photo presents are the way to go for gifts this year. They have some slammin' deals if you stay on top of it.

*Also, Shutterfly will give you $10 off an order of $30 (if you're ordering Christmas cards for every single person you know, have ever met, heard of once, or are distantly related to - this is the way to go.) At checkout, just enter this code: 6F8A-EH8X-OJDC-3E1FXD. This ends Nov. 10th.

*And one last piece of very exciting business:
Lowe's is officially amazing.
Did you know they have "BUILD AND GROW" activities on Saturdays?
I have been told they are very excitement-worthy. (And could be a super fun Daddy-daughter date... just sayin'.)
Along with making a sweet craft with real nails and a hammer - seriously, your kid will die! - each kid gets a free apron, goggles, a project themed patch, and a certification of merit. They're building periscopes on the 13th, and a wooden snowman on the 20th.
Oh, and did I mention it's FREE?!
Does it get any cooler?
I think no.
You do have to sign up, but don't worry - I made it easy.
All you must do is click HERE.

you. are. welcome.