Saturday, June 23, 2012

Everything in Transit

Hey readers!

Summer is a great and crazy and sad time all at once.... Great because schools are out and for some that have spouses in school remember what it's like to have a husband again! It's full of bbq's, swimming, day trips, and many other adventures. Crazy because living in the situation many of us here do, people leave for weeks at a time to visit family in other states leaving our number far and few between. And sad because since school did end another group of beloved friends graduates, spreads their wings and sails off into the next exciting phase of their lives and we are forced to say good-bye for a while. One of those that has flown the coop is one of the main brains of this blog, Ashley Webb. Ashley, those of us here mourn your leaving and you will be so missed! But we wish you the best of luck with your new adventure with your sweet family.

So Ashley has passed the baton on to me, and I will try my darndest to maintain her wit, creativity, and all-over greatness as I assume the throne of thig blog-dom. My husband and I just finished his first year here, and we are having our first baby next month, so you may get a different perspective from me not having kids and taking them out and about. But I promise to do my homework and find out from other moms what great kid-friendly activities are in the great Des Moines area.

So for today I wanted to just give a little update to let you all know the blog is alive and well, and that the show will go on! It is hard to have good friends leave and to have one chapter close, but another one opens and new friends come into our lives and just expand our circle of people we love!

- Michelle